Vanessa Ryan

Vanessa Ryan

Born in Los Angeles, CA / Works in Long Beach, CA
Vanessa Ryan was born in Los Angeles, California. She is an abstract painter and sculptor and has exhibited her art on the West and East Coasts. She has lived in New Mexico and in the mountains of Southern California, so her work is influenced by the landscape of these areas. She currently resides in Long Beach, California. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from UCLA and a Master of Fine Arts from UCI. She is also an author of mystery novels and an actor.
I am an abstract artist with a painterly background, and I use acrylics to achieve vibrancy by layering colors with a traditional approach of brushwork and paint. This infuses my canvases with kinetic exuberance and imperfect, yet intentional, intersections of under-painted lines. My influences are eclectic, from early non-objective artists to the post-modern era. My paintings pulse with optimism, inviting onlookers to peer through layers of expression to uncover emotional depth and the mysteries I weave into each piece.
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