Rebecca Darlington

Rebecca Darlington

Works in New York
Rebecca Darlington is a visual artist living in Manhattan. She has a BFA from the University of Georgia and lived most of her adult life in New York’s Hudson Valley where there were many opportunities to show her work. She was a member of Gallery66NY in Cold Spring, an artist run gallery. Rebecca has been a fellow at; VCCA in Virginia; VCCA in France; CAMAC in France. She has works in many private collections throughout the U.S.
Rebecca Darlington grew up living in foreign countries. Consequently belonging is the underlying theme in her artwork. Being planted, growing roots, being in community are her cornerstone concepts. Her latest series “In the Garden” is a riot of plants blooming furiously. She is inspired by the proliferation of wild vegetation. “They belong too. I want the plant world to be stronger than humanity. We need a reminder that humans do not own the world. How do we strengthen the balance?”
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