James Greco

James Greco

James Greco is a New York based artist with a multi-disciplinary approach to his art practice, which encompasses painting, sculpture, installation, performance, site-specific time-based work, collage and drawing. His work is designed to be viewed not only as a singular object but orchestrationally arranged like set designs to express a poetic personal narrative. His use of gesture, image and materials exploration has developed into a body of work that is influenced by his own experiences with life, death, and love, beauty and decay, violence and destruction.
As an Artist, I try and approach my work like a conductor for a symphony, each instrument is fully realized on its own but combined with others creates a whole ensemble. This mindset is how I approach and create my work, each painting, sculpture, or drawing is a fragment for a symphony that will be orchestrated later. My paintings and sculptures exist on their own completed but when combined within an installation or assemblage create a whole separate story. What I find most interesting, is that what gives my assemblages and found object pairings their gravitas, is the highly rendered works combined with the urgently constructed elements. The story that each grouping has and how they work together is my form of visual storytelling and allows me to express my experiences. Themes of loss and death, beauty, decay, and destruction are the main elements of my work and I remain dedicated to expressing these elements in individual pieces and combined installations.
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