Chelsea Amato

Chelsea Amato

Born in New Hampshire / Works in Austin, Texas
I am the artist @chelseascreename, an art brut that works in epoxy mixed media analog. I have created my works based on my specific female experiences & the pressures of being a woman with an auto immune/infertility diagnosis dealing with various physical and psychological pressures in reproductive health and perception. My past art series have been IN FERTILITY an exploration women’s reproductive issues including my own psychological journey in dealing with an infertility diagnosis & using IVF technology in Texas. The current series ALL TIED UP is a series evolving out of my IN FERTILITY series that deals with the various interferences while undergoing fertility treatment IVF.
I expect my audience, especially the male audience, to zero in on the sexual object aspect of the works and take that in superficially without picking up on the deeper meaning. While I expect more of my female audience to be more keyed into and resonate with the works subject. This has been my experience with talking to patrons at other art exhibitions so I imagine it to be the same.
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