Molly Koehn

Molly Koehn

Houston, TX
Molly is an artist and designer currently working in Houston, TX, where the urban structure and expansion provide constant fuel to her practice. Molly received an MFA with an emphasis in fibers from Arizona State University (2017), and her current bodies of work carry on the delicate, expressive qualities of her background and BFA in drawing from Fort Hays State University (2013). In addition to keeping a studio practice, Molly also teaches workshops and classes regularly.
Through observation of the urban environment, I utilize fiber-based processes to create responsive artworks that embrace the temporal qualities of our fabricated environments and offer parallels between natural and synthetic. Printed, woven, and stitched line by line, layer by layer, and color by color, the works observe the ever-shifting urban skyline, becoming monuments and mirrors to time. They blur the line between natural and artificial and ask whether a line exists at all.
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