Mark LaRiviere

Mark LaRiviere

Works in New York City
Mark LaRiviere is a painter and sculptor living in New York City. LaRiviere has been showing sculpture and paintings in various galleries since about 1987.
I begin with the idea of making a figurative form, and by finding an engagement with the materials and concepts with which I work. I work towards discovering a spark of truth or a certain light that resides in all things and allows the piece to come alive. I search for discovered rhythms, forms and movements that become apparent as I work. The sculpture I am working is created with a sense of uncertainty. Carving wood, firing ceramics and casting clay leaves a lot to unpredictable results. There is a constant tension between the working and the witness. If I follow the demands of my ego, all is lost, and truth eludes me. When my hands and tools find the ineffable essence of the rhythm of the materials, the forms emerge that live today and yet feel as if they have existed always. This current work is new to me and yet has been with me since my beginnings. My first stirrings as an artist were to make convincing people, figures and heads; either singularly or in groups, and give to them a solid, lasting form. These forms have persisted with me as I have worked, and always, the question remains; how can I bring forth these figures honestly, reflecting a sense of truth and light that feels of our time.
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